Roar! Be More! NIE Summer Camp for Leadership

Leadership development for students

When you think about leadership, students are probably not the first people that come to mind. Students can often feel invisible in schools and the community. We’ve been working on a new approach to leadership for teenagers. This is about giving them the belief and skills they need to take action to help them feel seen, heard, and valued. And the experience of the position they want to take up in life.

Students are already leaders.

They might not know it yet. If asked whether they can “be more” in their current situation, they’re probably going to say “yes”. Can they be more values driven? More inspired by visions? More ready for challenges? This natural interest in leadership is something that can be fostered and developed, which is exactly what ROAR! BE MORE! is designed to do.

The 5 Practices of Exemplary Leadership

 It provides the most comprehensive framework and a set of actions to improve leadership effectiveness in all facets of a students' life and career.

The program is designed keeping in mind the age group of students. The 5 Practices of Exemplary Leadership will be taught through age appropriate techniques. There are 2 age groups - grade 5 to grade 7 & grade 8 to grade 12. Please choose carefully while filling the form. It will help us make the learning experience very smooth for you!

So looking forward to a fun learning of leadership with you!

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Xceedible Leadership Solutions

Leadership can be learned by anyone, and learning how to lead will help you not only in your professional life but also in your personal life.  The 5 Practices of Exemplary Leadership ® has been helping leaders at all levels improve their effectiveness for more than 40 years. It provides the most comprehensive framework and a set of actions to improve your leadership effectiveness in all facets of your lives and careers.

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